Hershey would like to thank...
My family for their patience and support for this book over the past four years. I love you!
My editors, Jaimie Hoglund and Bryony van der Merwe, for making this book possible: you get me and Copper!
The Edmonton Police Association and the Edmonton Community Foundation for their generous support of this book.
Charlie’s Angels for all the encouragement, referrals, laughs, brainstorming, fun road trips, activities, and unending friendship. I love you guys! (Johnny, Robyn & Roxanne's characters in the book are named after Charlie and his Angels.)
Thank you to Megah Tornwe ......the BEST youth worker in Edmonton! (Megah at top of circle and Johnny is bottom left in story.)
The insightful Dan, who trusted me to begin my therapy work without hesitation. Those successful interventions were our desired outcome. The real-life story is that Hershey never would have began his therapy work without the wonderful Inspector Dan. In the book I turned him into a gruff guy, but in reality, Dan was a very supportive leader in our youth unit who taught my police mom to think outside the box. Thank you Dan! It was fun picking on you in my book, I know you can take it!
Lawrence and Em for allowing me to take my time in our friendship and for years of ball throwing in the halls. I loved it! Here is a picture of me being not too sure of the police uniform!
Michelle and Greg for recognizing me in the highlights, the peanut butter, and all the second chances, like when I was scared of some men in uniforms at our office.
An enormous thank you to all the agencies that never blinked once about allowing me to work in your buildings with your employees and your youth. I couldn't have done my good work without your constant support.
Sherwood Edmonton Public School and Bessie Nichols School for being my first live audience. Your feedback was appreciated, and we had so much fun! Stay well and know that the police, and therapy animals, are always your friends.
SHERWOOD SCHOOL (now Alex Janvier)
The lovely teacher, Mrs. D. SEREDIAK,who has her own amazing therapy dog, Chester, at Alex Janvier School!
It was +34 degrees that day!
Northern Alberta Pet Therapy Society for my certification.
Gary Millar, for all the help you gave Copper’s youth, the coffee dates and support for this book…all for free! You are a gift, and we treasure you.
Our friends and overseas loved ones for all your contributions and patience in helping see this book to the end.
Peter and Heather for teaching my police mom how to listen. It is all about relationships!
Retired Assistant Chief Crown Prosecutor, Dave Hill, for his knowledge and passion for restorative justice.
My supportive surveillance squad for believing in this intervention. Thanks for your patience with my dog hair in the vehicles, the cookies in your desks, the funny nicknames (like Hershey Squirts), and the referrals for your youth.
The Laura’s and Leeanne, who made it feel like the office was a playground, and for reminding Copper about the human side of policing. (I taught her not to judge.)
Liv would like to thank her parents, Norma and Uffe, for always encouraging her to be creative. Her police family is always an endless source of ideas. As well as her husband, Les, for giving her space to draw.
The biggest thank you of all goes to the youth who do the hard work that the rest of us take for granted. We love you and are in awe of you!
© Copyright Hershey the Police Therapy Dog